I‘m just going to put this out there; I am not a steak person. I’ve never had a steak I’ve fallen in love with, never had my “socks knocked off” by the way a steak tasted.
With that said, my boyfriend loves a good steak. (He says good I say expensive) So, I do what all good girlfriends do. I buy $25 steaks and give it my all to make it a “Good one”.
I first let my steak sit out to get to room temperature. I seasoned the steak with salt, pepper and parsley flakes. While the steak sat, I heated up a skillet with butter and a tablespoon of minced garlic. Once all of the butter melted I added the steaks into the skillet. My only goal here was to get a nice crust on the steak. Once it was caramelizing, I popped the skillet into the oven at 350 for 10 minutes.
Once the steaks were done in the oven, I pulled them from the hot skillet to rest on a plate.
I'm not in love, but I will say these were pretty darn good!